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Your Campus
Your Safety App

Empower your students with a branded safety app, uniquely tailored for your institution.

Phone displaying one tap SOS


We develop custom mobile apps that help universities and colleges keep their students safe

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Small Universities & Colleges

Our white-label safety apps are designed for smaller universities and colleges that do not employ 24/7 security or on-call wellbeing staff.

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Student Satisfaction

Drive confidence, trust and satisfaction through a branded safety app that shows your investment is student safety.

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Fully Custom

Select from our menu of pre-built feature modules to design an app that best fits your needs.

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Our white-label service is designed to fit the budgets of educational institutions of all sizes. We also offer a free trial period.

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emergency alerts

Share your location at the tap of a button

With just one tap on your phone's lock screen, send your live location and a pre-written message to your contacts.

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Customisable Alerts

Users configure up to five trusted contacts and write a pre-written alert message.

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Share Location

Once alert is triggered, securely share user's live location with trusted contacts.

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One-Tap SOS

Trigger emergency alert via a permanent notification on the user's lock screen.

Location Sharing Preview
Send Message Preview
Client Dashboard Preview
Default Contacts Preview
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Your safety app is fully customisable

Set default contacts, manage access permissions, alter branding and UI, view analytics. All from one dashboard.

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Set Default Contacts

By setting default contacts, end users can send important safety alerts to members of staff.

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Manage Services

Configure how your app's features appear to users: placeholder text and user access rules.

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View Analytics

View your app's usage and uncover data-driven insights from our state-of-the-art analytics panel.

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Get your own white-label app

Book a demo

Select your features

We build apps that are tailored to your requirements. First, select from our menu of pre-built feature modules.


Upload your branding

Your app is branded with your own logo, name and colour scheme. We'll work with you to customise your app's UI.


Trial your app

After compiling your app, it's ready for testing. Ahead of payment, we'll give you a free trial period to test with stakeholders.

Get your own custom, branded student safety app